Legal line generator
Google’s brand features (product names, logos, screenshots, and other distinctive features) can only be used with our explicit permission. If you’ve been granted permission to use one (or more) of our trademarks in your marketing materials, you’ll need to include an attribution statement in the creative as well. This tool will help you determine the correct legal attribution line to include in your creatives.
How it works
- Select the language(s) that will be used in your campaign. For example, if the creative features both English and French copy, select “English” and “French.”
- Select the brand element(s) that you want to use in the creative. For example, if you want to use the Google Play logo, select “Google Play.”
- Select the usage type. For example, if you are using our brand in the headline of your creative, select “Featured.”
- Repeat for any additional brand elements that you will use in the creative.
- Click “generate your legal line.”
- Apply the generated legal line(s) to your creatives.
- Send your final creatives to our brand team for review. The creatives must be approved before starting production.
Usage types
There are different ways to use our brand features in your creatives. When you use them prominently, we classify the use case as “featured usage.” This is the case when you use our trademark in headline text or use our logos. When the trademark is only shown as part of a screenshot or mentioned in non-headline text, the usage type is classified as “incidental usage.” The images below illustrate the difference between “featured” and “incidental” usage.

Generate your legal line
Choose the language(s) that will be used in your campaign to generate your legal line.
Brand element
Select the brand element that you want to use in the creative. Be sure to add all brand elements that will be used in the creative.
Usage type
Select the usage type. For example, if you are using our brand in the headline of your creative, select “featured.”