Product logos
Product lockups
We recommend partners use the main Google Play logo where possible. Product logos are reserved for campaigns marketing a specific product app, and external usage is rarely approved.
In product lockups, the wordmark should always be stacked on 2 lines. Whenever possible, use the horizontal version of the product lockup.

Horizontal product lockup - preferred
Vertical product lockup - alternative
Clear space
Please leave enough clear space around the logo lockup. The minimum clear space for the horizontal lockup is one full height of the icon (X) on all sides, and the minimum clear space for the vertical lockup is half the height of the icon (X) on all sides.

Clear space requirement for horizontal lockups
Clear space requirement for vertical lockups
Color versions and backgrounds

Horizontal product lockup with full-color wordmark
Horizontal product lockup with white wordmark

Vertical product lockup with full-color wordmark
Incorrect usage

Don’t alter the scale of the wordmark—keep typeface at equal height.

Don’t alter the colors of the Play Games icon.

Don’t change the orientation of the logo.

Don’t use the logo within a sentence—only standalone and in approved partner lockups.

When using dark backgrounds, opt for approved reverse logo lockups.