English - United States
Color palette
Four core colors make up the color palette of Google Play. On this page you will find the exact values for these colors across three different color spaces.
Please note that secondary colors are only used for call-to-actions, in digital applications. For print, please select from the primary color palette.
Google Green
- Hex #0F9D58
- rgb 15, 157, 88
- cmyk 83, 12, 88
Google Yellow
- Hex #F4B400
- rgb 244, 180, 0
- cmyk 4, 31, 100
Google Blue
- Hex #4285F4
- rgb 66, 133, 244
- cmyk 71, 47, 0
Google Red
- Hex #DB4437
- rgb 219, 68, 55
- cmyk 9, 88, 87