English - United States
Color palette
Five core colors make up the color palette of Google Play Protect. On this page you will find the exact values for these five colors across three different color spaces.
Please stick to the following color palette when marketing Google Play Protect.
Dark grey
- Hex #727172
- rgb 114 113 114
- cmyk 56 48 47 14
- pms 431
- Hex #888888
- rgb 1136 136 136
- cmyk 49 41 41 5
- pms 430C
Light grey
- Hex #e8e8e8
- rgb 232 232 232
- cmyk 8 6 6 0
- pms 421C
Light green
- Hex #589C63
- rgb 88 156 99
- cmyk 68 0 71 18
- pms 7730CP
Dark green
- Hex #228848
- rgb 34 136 72
- cmyk 79 0 89 22
- pms 7731CP