Visual identity
Meet the Google Cast brand elements. This section contains guidelines for device manufacturers using Cast visual identity in marketing communications and packaging.
Logo system
Primary logo
This is the preferred version of the Cast logo. The Cast logo can only be used when there is a dedicated section that explains the platform. If you would like to display Google Cast as an ingredient technology, please use the badge.
Alternate logos
One color logo options are available to be used only when necessary. Our colored logo is the preferred option and should be used in all applications, whenever possible.
Logo guidelines
The Cast logo can only be used on packaging or when there is a dedicated section that explains the platform. Follow these guidelines to ensure the logo maintains its integrity.
Logo misuse
You should never alter the configurations of the Cast logo as provided in these guidelines. Here are some examples of what not to do:
Clear space
Please leave enough clear space around the logo lockup. The height of the clear space around the logo is measured by the x-height of the Google Cast mark itself. This is the recommended minimum clear space but we always encourage more space if possible.
Badge guidelines
When displaying Google Cast as an ingredient technology, please use the badge. The badge should be used alongside other ingredient technology badges. Always use a color badge when possible.
Full color badge – black. Use this version when the background color of your application is light.
One color version. Use this version when the background color of your application is light.
Full color badge – white. Use this version when the background color of your application is dark.
One color badge – white. Use this version when the background color of your application is dark.
Secondary badge
Use this horizontal option only when the stacked version isn’t applicable. Always use a color badge when possible.
Full color badge – black. Use this version when the background color of your application is light.
One color version. Use this version when the background color of your application is light.
Full color badge – white. Use this version when the background color of your application is dark.
One color badge – white. Use this version when the background color of your application is dark.
Badge misuse
The Cast badge can only be used on packaging or when there is a dedicated section that explains the platform. Follow these guidelines to ensure the badge maintains its integrity.
Clear space
Please allow at least a 5 mm margin around the badge when using it alongside other partner badges.
Cast icon
The Cast icon is to be used exclusively in device UI and device documentation such as user manuals and should never replace a logo or badge. Note that the Cast icon is not specific to Google Cast; it can be used to represent both Cast and non-Cast receivers (e.g. bluetooth headsets). Cast receivers should always appear under the Cast dialog, and never under another dialog, menu, or control.
Color palette
Google Blue 500
- Hex #4285f4
- rgb 66, 133, 244
- cmyk 88, 40, 0, 0
- pms 2173C
- Hex #000000
- rgb 0, 0, 0
- cmyk 0, 0, 0, 100