Color palette and typography
This section contains guidance for the use of our typography and colors.
Color palette
Google Assistant color theme and brand elements reflect the official Google color palette. Colors must not be changed from those provided in our supplied assets.
Only use these colors as reference to troubleshoot any final output color issues.
Note: Chat UI uses grey values not provided in the core palette.
- Hex #000000
- rgb 0/0/0
- cmyk 0/0/0/100
Google grey
- Hex #3C4043
- rgb 60/64/67
- cmyk 5/0/0/80
Google grey 500
- Hex #9AA0A6
- rgb 154/160/166
- cmyk 5/0/0/50
- rgb 255/255/255
- cmyk 0/0/0/0
Red 500
- Hex #EA4335
- rgb 234/67/53
- cmyk 0/87/89/0
- pmsc 179C
Blue 500
- Hex #4285F4
- rgb 66/133/244
- cmyk 88/40/0/0
- pmsc 2173C
Yellow 500
- Hex #FBBC04
- rgb 251/188/4
- pms 0/37/100/0
- pmsc 7549C
Green 500
- Hex #34A853
- rgb 52/168/83
- cmyk 85/0/92/0
- pmsc 2257C
Google Sans
Our brand typeface is Google Sans in Bold and Regular weights. It should be used across all print and digital applications.
Download font
Noto Sans
For non-Latin languages (languages with non-Latin character sets), use Noto Sans as the primary font for all marketing assets.
For print only assets, use Noto Sans CJK.
When using both Latin and non-Latin characters in an asset, use Google Sans for the Latin characters and Noto for the non-Latin. Do not use Noto Sans for Latin characters.
Download font