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English - United States

Press and media

Any press release mentioning Android Auto brand or products requires review and approval. Please send press releases and materials for review to either your account manager or submit through the Partner Marketing Hub at least 72 hours before you plan to issue it. We appreciate your support and cooperation.

When writing your press release, please keep the following in mind:

  • Make sure your news is additive to Android Auto.
  • All Android Auto announcements should include the specific makes and models you expect to launch, as well as expected timing for consumer availability.
  • Focus on the user: The majority of your communications should focus on what your drivers and passengers will be able to do with this integration.
  • Portray a balanced ecosystem: We want the press to focus on the Android Auto platform and how it might help drivers, rather than on specific partnerships.
  • Avoid spotlighting the work behind the integration, including behind-the-scenes work with Google, early access to features, or other similar topics that wouldn’t be of interest to your users.
  • Google does not generally provide quotes for press materials. This can be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
  • Please do not include the Google boilerplate, contact information, or Google logo on your press release. These details imply a joint-press release, and Google does not participate or support joint-releases.

Please review our Editorial guidelines for more information.